Sunday, October 4, 2009

Broken Promises

It hurts being alone. Having someone that promised to love you forever, and then have them break that promise. He wants a divorce. He filed, and now he is being so mean about it.
He is wanting everything but not wanting to compromise anything. Marriage is sacred, and something of value, and something that you do not just throw away. You cherish your love and your marriage. It is so easy for people to get a divorce, and it should not be. It takes two people to get married. It should take both people agreeing on the divorce, unless of adultery, or violence. A man should not be able to just give up, and decide that he does not want to try to make his marriage work, and the courts should not allow that.

I thought people marry someone because they love them, they want to be with that person, and not because of the things that they do, or things that they do not do. There is not a perfect marriage, and in every marriage there are going to be things that one does not like about the other, but they do not just give up.

Some marriages one cheats, and they can somehow work through their problems and make their marriage work. If they can do that, then why can't my husband try to work on our marriage when the only thing he can say is that I do not respect him. That is the only reason he is wanting the divorce. Respect. He said that I do not respect him because I do not have a job.
I have not had a job during the whole marriage. I am an Author, and Substitute Teacher. No, the money is not good. Yeah, I want us to have money to spend on things. I tried getting a job, but with the way that the economy is, it is hard to get a good job.

If my husband got laid off from his job, and we thought that he would for a while, I would have never thought of getting a divorce. I would have worked with him to get a job.

I do respect him. He thinks that he can say that I do not respect him, and he thinks it is true just because he says that I do not respect him. He has told himself that so many times, that he actually believes that.

He filed for a divorce on August 7th
September 8th was our Anniversary.

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